
Below you will find a few suggestions for searching this topic. These suggestions aren't the only way to find materials, but they may help to get you started.


I. Find Background

Reference Source: The Cambridge World History of Human Disease 

II. Search the library catalog

To find scientific (medical) texts, histories,  and “popular” materials (written for non-specialists) along with some primary sources.

  1. Open the Library Catalog
  2. Search terms: Mumps OR "MMR vaccine" OR "MMR vaccination"
  3. Note: For more precise searching, you can also Limit Your Search (left-hand menu) by Subject and more to see all the subheadings.

III. Find current Scholarly Journal Articles (secondary sources)

  1. On the first line, type: Mumps OR "MMR vaccine" OR "MMR vaccination"
  2. On the second line, add the term "history"

IV. Find current and historical “popular” (i.e. written for the general public, rather than for specialists) articles about mumps

Current articles:

  • Database: Proquest Research Library Search tips:
    Enter your search terms: mumps;
    From the list of results, filter to Magazines; and select a time period;
    Under Publication Titles, select "more" to select specific magazine titles of interest;
    (Note: if you add the MMR or vaccine you will miss out on articles on just the disease).

Historical Articles:

  • Database: Proquest Historical Newspapers.
    Select the Advanced Search;
    Add your search terms: Mumps;
    Scroll down to choose Document types (Articles, Advertisements maybe?);
    If you wish, use the date limits on the right to restrict your results to a particular date range.
  • Database: American Magazines
    This database contains periodicals published between 1740 and 1940, including special interest and general magazines, literary and professional journals, children's and women's magazines and many other historically-significant periodicals.Search tips:
    Select the Advanced Search;
    Add your search terms: mumps;
    Scroll down to choose Document type(s);

V. Find more articles about the history of mumps

This will includes some historical articles that may be considered primary sources (how the condition was understood at various points in history).