
Below you will find a few suggestions for searching this topic. These suggestions aren't the only way to find materials, but they may help to get you started.


I. Find Background

  • The Cambridge World History of Human Disease
    Note: Do not use the search window at the top. Scroll down to Search in this book. View PDF to read the article.Includes a great section on the history of the disease. Don't forget to review the bibliography at the end for references to early medical texts or other histories of herpes. Ask Us for help finding the references.
  • AccessScience

II. Search the Library Catalog

To find scientific (medical/psychiatric) texts and possibly some primary source material (for example, people discussing what it's like to live with the condition)

  1. Go to the library catalog
  2. Search terms: Herpes
  3. You can also explore related subject headings and subheadings to improve our search. In the left-hand menu, under Limit Your Search, scroll down to Subject and more to see all the subject headings and subheadings. Some promising subject headings & subheadings: Herpes genitalis > Social aspects and  Sexually transmitted diseases > Social aspects.

III. Find current Scholarly Journal Articles (secondary sources)

  • PubMed
    A search for "herpes" returns a huge number of articles. Too many to sort through! Search tips:
    Select the Advanced Search;
    Scroll down below the first search window. Where it says [All Fields], use the pull down menu to select [title] (near the bottom of the list):
    Enter: "herpes" and overview. .
  • PsycInfo
    Suggested search terms to start: herpes and history

IV. Find current “popular” (i.e. written for the general public, rather than for specialists) articles about herpes

  • Proquest Research Library
    Enter your search terms;
    Place quotation marks around phrases;
    From the list of results, filter to Magazines; and select a time period;
    Under Publication Titles, select "more" to select specific magazine titles of interest.

V.  Are there historical newspaper articles about herpes?
Question! Was it ever called something else? Try those terms too. For example: herpes OR herpetic

V. Find more articles about the history of herpes

Iincluding some historical articles that may be considered primary sources (how the condition was understood at various points in history). Question! Was it called something else/described differently? Try those terms too. For example: herpes OR herpetic