Key Resource
The Malcolm X Encyclopedia by
Call Number: Africana Library Reference BP223.Z8 L57626x 2002Over 500 essays exemplify the life and work of a man who sought to reimagine the world. Harnessing the influence of people like Elijah Muhammad, grappling with issues such as civil rights and conversion to the Nation of Islam, and driven by events like his pilgrimage to Mecca and the assassination of JFK, Malcolm X became an international pillar. This book is a broad testament to his achievements.
Noteworthy Books on Malcolm X
By Any Means Necessary: Malcolm X : Real, Not Rreinvented: Critical Conversations on Manning Marable's Biography of Malcolm X by
Call Number: Africana Library BP223.Z8 L572 2012By Any Means Necessary editors-Herb Boyd, Ron Daniels, Maulana Karenga and Haki Madhubuti-are in unison when stating: "Our purpose here with this collection is to continue, and to expand, the debate arising from Marable's biography." Through the collective vision of these four scholars, wordmakers and educators, readers now have a comprehensive view of the Marable text as well, as new scholarship and insight on Malcolm X-the man, "Real, Not Reinvented." Book jacket.Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention by
Call Number: Africana Library BP223.Z8 L57636 2011Manning Marable's new biography of Malcolm is filled with new information and shocking revelations that go beyond the Autobiography, Malcolm Xunfolds a sweeping story of race and class in America, from the rise of Marcus Garvey and the Ku Klux Klan to the struggles of the civil rights movement in the fifties and sixties. Reaching into Malcolm's troubled youth, it traces a path from his parents' activism through his own engagement with the Nation of Islam, charting his astronomical rise in the world of Black Nationalism and culminating in the never-before-told true story of his assassination.Malcolm X, Black Liberation, and the Road to Workers Power by
Call Number: Africana Library HX550.C58 B37 2009The foundations for the explosive rise of the Black liberation struggle in the U.S. beginning in the mid-1950s were laid by the massive migration of Blacks from the rural South to cities and factories across the continent, drawn by capital's insatiable need for labor power and cannon fodder for its wars. Malcolm X emerged from this rising struggle as its outstanding single leader. He insisted that colossal movement was part of a worldwide revolutionary battle for human rights. A clash ¿between those who want freedom, justice, and equality and those who want to continue the systems of exploitation.Martin Luther King, Jr. , Malcolm X and the Civil Rights Struggle of the 1950s and '60s by
Call Number: Olin LIbrary E185.61 .H69 2004The civil rights movement's most prominent leaders, Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) and Malcolm X (1925-1965), represent two wings of the revolt against racism: nonviolent resistance and revolution "by any means necessary." This volume presents the two leaders' relationship to the civil rights movement beyond a simplified dualism. A rich selection of speeches, essays, and excerpts from Malcolm X's autobiography and King's sermons shows the breadth and range of each man's philosophy, demonstrating their differences, similarities, and evolution over time. Organized into six topical groups, the documents allow students to compare the leaders' views on subjects including integration, the American dream, means of struggle, and opposing racial philosophies.Malcolm X: The FBI File by
Call Number: Africana Library BP223.Z8 L5794x 1991The FBI opened its file on Malcolm X shortly after his release from a Boston prison in March 1953. Twelve years later — on February 21, 1965 — he was assassinated in a hail of bullets. Yet his fascinating story survived his violent death — and a vital part of that story is found here in Malcolm X: The FBI File. This extraordinary work distills the voluminous file kept on the most controversial and charismatic civil rights leader, which ran to more than thirty-six hundred pages. Accompanied by the incisive commentaries of Clayborne Carson, a leading scholar of the American Civil Rights movement, this is a fascinating biographical and historical document, one that sheds light on both Malcolm X and the government compelled to monitor him.Martin and Malcolm and America by
Call Number: Africana Library E185.97.K5 C66x 1991While Martin Luther King, Jr., saw America as "a dream . . . This groundbreaking and highly acclaimed work cuts through superficial assessments of Dr. King and Malcolm X as polar opposites to reveal two men whose visions were moving toward convergence.The Assassination of Malcolm X by
Call Number: Olin Library BP223.Z8 L573337x 2002Examines the events leading up to the assassination of Malcolm X, his Islamic connections and the men who killed him. This book explores the life and times of African American activist Malcolm X. Draper details the controversy surrounding this powerful figure with a focus on his untimely and violent end. Draper recounts Malcolm X's lifelong spiritual and political journey, noting his personal and political triumphs.