Introduction and Outline

Julia Gelfand, Ibironke Lawal, Jill Powell, Anne Rauh

Outline for  Collection Development Workshop
Slides from the workshop are located on the red tabs (pages).


  1. Introduction (Annie, 20 minutes)
  2. Mapping collection development exercise, (Annie, 20 minutes)
  3. Overview of the players in the field (Ronke, 10 minutes)
  4. Budgeting (Jill, 10 minutes)
  5. Negotiation and licensing - (Julia, 45 minutes)
  6. Break (15 minutes) 
  7. Books (Ronke, 15 minutes)
  8. Standards (Annie, 10 minutes)
  9. Case studies (Jill, 25 minutes)
  10. Conclusions (Julia, 10 minutes)