Credibility Checklist

Evaluating Sources: Questions to Ask & Strategies for Getting the Answers:

  EXERCISE: For the reference you found, answer the questions on this evaluation checklist. Beside the first question, these work for print as well as web resources.

  • Authority:  Can you identify the author or creator?  What are the author's credentials (educational background, past writing, experience) in this area?        
  • Currency:   Is the source current or out of date for your topic? Can you even find a date of publication or last update?
  • Purpose: What is the purpose or motive for the publication/site? (e.g., educational, commercial, entertainment, promotional) Is it trying to sell you something?
  • Bias:  would you say the information is fact, opinion, or propaganda? In other words, what's the bias?    Is the author's point of view objective and impartial? 
  • Accuracy of Details: Does the information appear to be valid and well-researched? Are sources listed in a bibliography or included in links to the documents themselves?  Are the sources themselves authoritative?


Credibility Checklist

Evaluating Sources: Questions to Ask & Strategies for Getting the Answers:

  EXERCISE: For the reference you found, answer the questions on this evaluation checklist. Beside the first question, these work for print as well as web resources.

  • Authority:  Can you identify the author or creator?  What are the author's credentials (educational background, past writing, experience) in this area?        
  • Currency:   Is the source current or out of date for your topic? Can you even find a date of publication or last update?
  • Purpose: What is the purpose or motive for the publication/site? (e.g., educational, commercial, entertainment, promotional) Is it trying to sell you something?
  • Bias:  would you say the information is fact, opinion, or propaganda? In other words, what's the bias?    Is the author's point of view objective and impartial? 
  • Accuracy of Details: Does the information appear to be valid and well-researched? Are sources listed in a bibliography or included in links to the documents themselves?  Are the sources themselves authoritative?


Evaluating Credibility of a Web Resource--Video

Other Resources

Here are some other resources to help you find the most authoritative, accurate, objective, up-to-date, scholarly information available on your research topic.


Other Resources

Here are some other resources to help you find the most authoritative, accurate, objective, up-to-date, scholarly information available on your research topic.