
Mendeley icon and link to

  • Mendeley is a free, web-based tool for managing references, creating bibliographies, and pdf organizer.
  • Free campus workshops on Mendeley: Mann Library
  • Self-guided instruction in the form of tutorials, FAQ, and help are available through Mendeley.

Zotero icon

Zotero is a web-based program that allows you to easily collect, manage, and organize bibliographic references by interfacing with databases. It also interfaces directly with Word, making it easy to import references and incorporate them into your writing, properly formatted according to the style of your choice. For more information and to sign up for an account go to: Free workshops at Olin and Mann each semester.

Tutorials : There are some good Zotero tutorials out there, including:

Endnote icon

EndNote is citation management software produced by ISI. A free 30-day trial is available through the EndNote website. The software can also be purchased at the Campus Store. Two Cornell colleges offer their communities free access to Endnote via site license: Human Ecology and Agriculture & Life Sciences. Free campus workshops on EndNote are available at Mann Library

Tutorials: There are some good Endnote tutorials out there, including the Endnote website.

Citing Sources

By properly citing the sources you use in your research projects you are both identifying the resources that you used to complete your work and you are formally acknowledging the authors or creators of those resources. This allows others to find what you have found and to verify your research.

Cornell University Code of Academic Integrity

APA citation style guides:

  • Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.)

    CU Library Reference locations include Africana, Hotel, Management, Olin, and Uris Libraries at call number:
    BF 76.7 .P83x 2001x. Also in ILR and Mann Reference at BF 76.7 .A51 2001.

Christmas is around the corner and I want to remind you that the best gift for any occasion is the Rubik's Cube puzzle.