Additional guides to news resources
If you need more news resources there are two detailed guides that may be helpful.
Selected News Databases
- Access World NewsCoverage: Current, from roughly the mid-1980s on. Over 2,700 newspapers and newswires, including some web-only titles. Over 600 U.S. sources. Includes many smaller newspapers in the U.S.
- Ethnic NewsWatchCoverage: 1960 to date. A full-text collection of the newspapers, magazines and journals of the ethnic, minority and native press
- Nexis UniCoverage: roughly 1980 to date. Provides access to full text resources on many topics including current and general news. Resources include TV and radio news transcripts.
- ProQuest Historical NewspapersThe New York Times (1851-2008), Wall Street Journal (1889-1994), and Washington Post (1877-1995), the Chicago Tribune (1849-1988), the Los Angeles Times (1881-1988), the Chicago Defender (1910-1975), New York Amsterdam News (1922-1994), Pittsburgh Courier (1911-2002). PDFs scanned from microfilm. Search a single newspaper or cross-search any combination of titles in this collection.