Finding Theses and Dissertations

Library Catalog: Cornell theses and dissertations can be located by searching by title or author. The library retains two print copies of all Cornell University dissertations. Often it takes several months after the conferral date for the library to receive a copy. 

As of March 2009, access to e-versions of those theses with electronic versions kept in eCommons@Cornell is available via the catalog. Records for the e-versions of new theses will appear in the local catalog and in WorldCat within a month of their deposit in eCommons.

Not all theses are available in electronic format. Participation in this program in voluntary and the documents submitted may not be open to public viewing.

Proquest Dissertations & Theses: Proquest Dissertations & Theses provides the full text of some theses and dissertations, with abstracts available from 1981 to the present and full text access increasing all the time. To limit your results to only Cornell University dissertations, you can search Dissertations & Theses @ Cornell University and the Weill Medical College.

Masters of Engineering Project Reports (MEng) - see for location of these project reports

Advanced Degrees Conferred –(2011 to present)  a record of degrees awarded  (must log in with Cornell credentials, 1 year lag in reporting)

Graduate School Data Solutions – one can ask directly about the status of a thesis

Olin Library's Guide to Finding Dissertations is much more comprehensive, consult for further information.

Theses & Dissertations from Other Institutions