Technical reports
Technical reports from the United States Department of Energy and the Atomic Energy Commission can often be found via Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), a service of the Department of Energy.
ADAMS public documents - catalog to United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission. ADAMS stands for Agencywide Documents Access and Management System
However not all reports from the Department of Energy are digitized, especially older ones. Therefore, researchers trying to find information from technical reports produced by DoE laboratories may wish to use this chart to see the technical report holdings of the Cornell University Libraries.
Some of these technical reports are in microfiche format whereas others are hardcopy "paper" documents and are presently stored at the Library Annex. They can usually be delivered to libraries closer to campus within 24 hours. If you need help, please do not hesitate to ask library staff for assistance or else use this page for instructions on how to request items from the Annex.
In the table below, there are some cases of more than one series produced by a single laboratory. These were in some cases entered as separate catalog entries by CU Libraries.
Table Guide to Department of Energy & Atomic Energy Commission laboratories Technical Report Holdings
Name of Report Series
Abbreviation of
Name of Report Series |
Format and Range of Holdings at
ANL (also includes series ANL/A, ANL-AA, ANL-ACL, ANL-ACTV, ANL-AFP, etc.) | Argonne National Laboratory |
microfiche: ANL 72-9 - ANL - ZPR 495 paper: extensive holdings (see catalog record) |
ANL 1960-1963 | Argonne National Laboratory, Biological and Medical Research Division | paper: 191-1963 |
ANL 1960 | Argonne National Laboratory, Biological and Medical Research Division | paper: 1960 |
ANL 1958-1959 | Argonne National Laboratory, Biological and Medical Research Division | paper: 1958-1959 |
ANL/CNSV | Argonne National Laboratory | paper: no.TM:88,132,135 |
ANL-CT | Argonne National Laboratory | paper: no.23(1980) |
ANL/EES | Argonne National Laboratory | paper: no.TM-232 |
ANL/ES | Argonne National Laboratory | paper: no.1-2,4-5,40:pt.3,14,16-17;46 |
ANL-FE | Argonne National Laboratory | paper: no. 49622-12 |
ANL-FWT | Argonne National Laboratory | paper: no. 105 |
ANL-JMW | Argonne National Laboratory | paper: no. 45 |
ANL/PHY | Argonne National Laboratory | paper: no.2(1976) |
ANL/SPG | Argonne National Laboratory | paper: no.12 |
ANL-Trans | Argonne National Laboratory | paper: no.33,168 |
ANL-WMM | Argonne National Laboratory | paper: no.1140 |
BMI- (also includes series BMI-NUREG, BMI-OCRD, BMI-ONWI, BMI-OTSP, BMI-OWTD, BMI-SRP) | Battelle Memorial Institute |
microfiche: BMI-171-001 to BMI-1899,BMI-1900 to BMI-ONWIC-120, BMI-ONWIC-121-BMI-X-10286 |
BNL (also includes series BNL-A, BNL-NCS, BNL-NUREG, BNL-Tr.) | Brookhaven National Laboratory |
microfiche: BNL 325 - BNL-Tr 1074 paper: extensive holdings (see catalog record) |
BNWL- (also includes series BNWL-B, BNWL-C, BNWL-CC, BNWL-D, BNWL-IR, BNWL-MA, BNWL-PFR, BNWL-RAP, BNWL-SA, BNWL-Tr, BNWL-WIND, etc.) | Battelle Northwest Laboratory | microfiche: BNWL 2 to BMWL-WIND 10 |
BNWL-115 | Battelle Northwest Laboratory | paper: no. 115 |
BNWL-317 | Battelle Northwest Laboratory | paper: no. 317 |
CONF- | Department of Energy, conference reports | microfiche: CONF-12-5 to CONF-96091-14 (CONF microfiche are arranged as follows: CONF [year] [month] [number], i.e., CONF 780519) |
COO- (includes COO-SH,COO-W, etc.) | Department of Energy, Chicago Operations Office | microfiche: extensive holdings; COO 0003/13 - COO-W 4338/1 |
DOE- (includes DOE/AD, DOE/AL, DOE/AF, DOE/AN, etc.) | Department of Energy | microfiche: extensive holdings (see catalog record) |
DOE/AD | Department of Energy, Directorate of Administration | paper: no.6,8-14 (1979-1981) |
EPRI- (includes: EPRI-AF, EPRI-AP, EPRI-CS, EPRI-EL, EPRI-EM, etc.) | Department of Energy, Electric Power Research Institute | microfiche: ERDA 1 - ERDA/USN 1027-76/4 (lacking some issues) |
FE- (includes: FE-COSC, FE-DSFMP, FE-EES, FE-MIT, FE-SFMP, FE-WAPO, etc.) | Department of Energy, Office of Fossil Energy | microfiche: FE 0023 - FE/VERTRAG 150 (lacking some issues) |
FNAL- (includes: FNAL-C, FNAL-Pub, FNAL-TM, FNAL-Trans, etc.) | Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory | microfiche: FNAL 84/81 - FNAL TM 1974 (lacking some issues) |
FRNC- (includes: FRNC-Conf, FRNC-R, FRNC-TH, etc.) | Stanford Linear Accelerator Center | microfiche: FRNC-CONF 8 - FRNC-TH 5321 (lacking some issues) |
HEDL- (includes: HEDL-ANL, HEDL-ARD, HEDL-BR, HEDL-FP, HEDL-FW, HEDL-HWS, HEDL-INT, HEDL-MG, HEDL-MT, HEDL-ORE, HEDL-PC, HEDL-SA, HEDL-WHAN, etc.) | Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory | microfiche: HEDL 037 - HEDL-WHAN-M 8 (lacking some issues) |
HW- (includes: HW-BMI, WH-GEL, HW-NUSAR, HW-SA, HW-SB, HW-Tr, HW-USCM, HW-WSU) | Hanford Atomic Works |
microfiche: HW 3-7 - HW-WSU 8 (lacking some issues) paper: extensive holdings (see catalog record) |
IC- (includes: IC-65 (i.e., year) to IC-90) | International Centre for Theoretical Physics | microfiche: IC-65-2 to IC-65-35, IC-65-36 to IC-81-239, IC-82-1 to IC-90-237 |
IS- (includes: IS-EMRRI, IS-EPA, IS-ICP, IS-IPRT, IS-J, IS-M, IS-RD, IS-RIC, IS-T, IS-Trans) | Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames Laboratory | microfiche: IS 450 to IS Trans 111 (lacking some issues) |
LA. (includes: LA-DC, LA-NUREG, LA-S, LA-SUB, LA-TR, LA-UR) | Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory |
microfiche: LA 1 to LA-UR-96-2301 (lacking some issues) paper: extensive holdings (see catalog record) |
LBL- (includes: LBL-MSG, LBL-PUB, LBL-PUBL, LBL-W) | Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory | microfiche: LBL 1 to LBL-W 7882 (lacking some issues) |
NP- (includes: NP-Tr) | United States Atomic Energy Commission, Oak Ridge Laboratory | microfiche: LBL 1 to LBL-W 7882 (lacking some issues) |
NREL- (includes: NREL-CP, NREL-MK, NREL-MP, NREL-SP and NREL-TP) | National Renewable Energy Laboratory | microfiche: NREL/CP-200-5768-v.1 to NREL/TP-411-20279, NREL/TP-411-20352 to NREL/TP-473-20306 (lacking some issues) |
NVO- | Department of Energy, Nevada Operations Office | microfiche: NVO 0011-1 to NVO-AEIC 74-1 (lacking some issues) |
NYO- | United States Atomic Energy Commission, New York Operations Office | microfiche: NYO 72-28 to NYO-GEN 72-132 (lacking some issues) |
ORNL- (includes: ORNL/AIC, ORNL/AMPIC, ORNL/TM, ORNL/TR, etc.) | United States Department of Energy, Oak Ridge National Laboratory | microfiche: ORNL 56-9-81 to ORNL-TW 1071 (lacking some issues) |
ORO- (includes: ORO-EP, etc.) | United States Department of Energy, Oak Ridge Operations Office | microfiche: ORO 31 to ORO-EP 153 (lacking some issues) |
PNL- (includes: PNL-CMCC, PNL-D, PNL-MA, PNL-RAP, PNL-SA, PNL-TR, etc.) | United States Department of Energy, Pacific Northwest Laboratory | microfiche: PNL 1845-37 to PNL-X 765 (lacking some issues) |
PPPL- (includes: PPPL-AF, PPPL-CRP, PPPL-EPRI, PPPL-LPDA, PPPL-Q, PPPL-TH, PPPL-Trans, etc.) | Princeton University Plasma Physics Laboratory | microfiche: PPPL 1243 to PPPL-Trans 133 (lacking some issues) |
RFP- (includes RFP-Abst, RFP-ADD, RFP-ENV, RFP-NUREG, and RFP-Trans.) | United States Department of Energy, Rocky Flats Plant | microfiche: RFP 111 to RFP-Trans 525 (lacking some issues) |
RL- (includes RL-GEN, RL-NRD, RL-REA, RL-SA and RL-SEP) | United States Department of Energy, Richland Operations Office | microfiche: RL (Richland) 2-3 to RL (Richland) SEP 939 (lacking some issues) |
RL- | United States Department of Energy, Rutherford Laboratory | microfiche: RL (Rutherford) 73-2 to RL (Rutherford) 83-019 (lacking some issues) |
RLO (RLO--REA, RLO-SA, RLO-SEP and RLO-SFM) | United States Department of Energy, Richland Operations Office | microfiche: RLO 75-1 to RLO-SFM 82-7 (lacking some issues) |
SAND- | United States Department of Energy, Sandia National Laboratories | microfiche: SAND-1137-9 to SAND-98-2501 (lacking some issues) |
SC- (includes: SC-ARPIC, SC-B, SC-CD, SC-CR, SC-DC, SC-DR, SC-M, SC-PR, SC-R, SC-RR, SC-T, SC-TM, and SC-WD) | United States Department of Energy, Sandia Corporation | microfiche: SC-76-311742 to SC-WD-67-426 (lacking some issues) |
SLAC- (includes: SLAC-ABC, SLAC-AP, SLAC-CN, SLAC-PEP Note, SLAC-PUB, SLAC-R, SLAC-TN, SLAC-Trans, etc.) | Stanford Linear Accelerator Center | microfiche: SLAC-17 to SLAC-TRANS-0233 (lacking some issues) |
TID- (includes: TID-LERC, TID-SNA, TID-SNG, TID-SNM, TID-SNW, etc.) | U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Technical Information Service | microfiche: TID-81 to TID-SNW-136 (lacking some issues) |
UCID- (includes: UCID-ID) | United States Department of Energy, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | microfiche: UCID-1165 to UCID-ID-112778 (lacking some issues) |
UCRL (includes: UCRL/AR, UCRL/CR, UCRL/ID, UCRL/JC, UCRL/LR, UCRL/MA, UCRL/PUB, UCRL/TB, UCRL/Trans, UCRL/TT) | United States Department of Energy, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory |
microfiche: UCRL-68 to UCRL-TT-108790 (lacking some issues) paper: extensive holdings (see record) |
WANL- (includes: WANL-EOM, WANL-MP, WANL-PR, WANL-QC, WANL-TME, WANL-TMI, WANL-TNP, WANL-TNR, WANL-TR, WANL-W, WANL-XE, etc.) | Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Astronuclear Laboratory | microfiche: WANL-066 to WANL-XE-SA-319 (lacking some issues) |
WAPD- (includes: WAPD-LPR, WAPD-LSBR, WAPD-LWBR, WAPD-MRP, WAPD-PWR, WAPD-RC, WAPD-T, WAPD-TM, WAPD-Trans, etc.) | Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Atomic Power Division | microfiche: WAPD-292 to WAPD-TRANS-134 (lacking some issues) |
WARD- (includes: WARD-AD, WARD-CG, WARD-CN, WARD-CR, WARD-D, WARD-HT, WARD-LI, WARD-LT, WARD-MRP, etc.) | Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Advanced Reactors Division | microfiche: WARD-1-10134 to WARD-3762 (lacking some issues) |
WASH- | U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Office of Operations Analysis and Forecasting | microfiche: WASH-1043 to WASH-2808 (lacking some issues) |
WHC- ( includes: WHC-EP, WHC-MR, WHC-SA, WHC-SD, WHC-SP, etc.) | Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Westinghouse Hanford Company | microfiche: WHC-EP-0003 to WHC-SP-2332 (lacking some issues) |